Sue E.

I've had the pleasure of being Adam's adult piano student for over two years now, studying both classical and jazz piano under his guidance. Meeting Adam has truly been a gift; he's not only an exceptional musician but also a dedicated and skilled teacher. Having experienced many piano instructors in the past, I can confidently assert that Adam surpasses them all in effectiveness, thoughtfulness, and depth of knowledge.

As a highly accomplished and educated musician himself, Adam sets rigorous standards and goals for his students. Our lessons are immersive, delving deep into both technical skills and repertoire. While piano performance remains our primary focus, Adam ensures a well-rounded education by also incorporating theory, rhythm, aural skills, and improvisation.
Adam's teaching approach is hands-on; he adeptly identifies my weaknesses and collaborates closely with me to strengthen those areas, always ensuring that I can practice effectively on my own. One of Adam’s unique qualities as a teacher is his calm and reassuring demeanor; he consistently creates a comfortable environment and instills confidence, even when challenging me beyond my comfort zone.
Working with Adam has rekindled my motivation to pursue piano more seriously and has inspired me to strive for excellence as a musician. He has instilled in me hope and confidence that I can achieve my musical goals as an adult student, and for that, I am profoundly grateful to him.